Meet us at Ravelry discussion
Meet us at Crochetville CAL current posts begin on about page 90 of the thread.
Yahoo group CAL
'Thee' blog post containing many links, corrections etc.
Similar pattern= Stained Glass Afghan, published in Crochet Today !Nov./ Dec 07 here..
mintlatte's CRW planner copy of the afghan here
Here is a cute little Cathedral Window to test colours with...Design by Dot Drake
The North window of Notre Dame de Paris.
Emily and original colour choices.
New colour choices.. and the first rounds complete...
update on Dec. 26th,Update Jan. 3
Best laid plans and all that...argg...Turns out I'm short on my older Simply Soft colour 'Embroidery Print".. not the same as their new one. So....for now I've started a new CRW.. using the colours recommended in the new version of the pattern. Yes.. I too have trouble getting an accurate photo of these colours...
Red Heart: black, gemstone, amethyst, and teal
Update here Jan. 6th.